
Claire…ificaton – “Keep Being God’s Vessel”


“Keep Being God’s Vessel.”  This was one sentence in a text that I received from a friend recently. In addition to warming my heart, this has given me something to think about. This friend was referring to one of the most memorable times in my life where I received a very clear message about God’s plan for my friend and how I was to participate in bringing God’s plan to fulfillment. I am confident that (in this case) God would have accomplished the plan whether I had been a faithful participant or not, but it sure was fun to get involved!

Most of the time when I feel that I am hearing from God it is either when I am away from my normal routine participating in some sort of retreat, or when practicing a spiritual discipline, or in a conversation with a spiritual friend or director where they are helping me to realize the sacred in the ordinary. Sometimes God gets my attention in a dream. If I’m honest, I must admit that often I do not settle down to allow the time or space for God to get my attention and I wonder how much I am missing out on. There are days when I do not take the time to read the Bible and other devotional material and to reflect on it. There are other days when I do so but am distracted by the next thing on my to-do list. I can imagine that God might want to thump me on the head and to say something like…”pay attention because I’ve got something important to talk with you about!” But God is patient with me and probably finds another vessel when I’m not paying attention and those are the times that I miss out on the blessing of being God’s vessel.

Prayer: “Lord, please help me to make it a priority to pay attention to your voice. And help me to have the courage to respond when I feel a nudge from you, even if it requires me to leave my comfort zone. Amen.”

Shalom ya’ll,





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