
Claire…ification: Life Update from Claire


I’ve started and stopped writing a number of times over the last few months, but I just wasn’t sure what I wanted to say, so I chose not to share much of anything! When I left my position in December, I entered into liminal space.  Here’s a Claire..ification column I wrote about that in early March.


I’ve received the gift of excellent quality time with my family, have been more attentive to walking more regularly and have been able to catch up on some rest. And, I’ve spent lots of time in prayer, trying to listen attentively to how God is calling me to serve in this next phase of my life.  Here’s what’s bubbling up:


I continue to feel a strong call to launch the NC Institute for Spiritual Direction and Formation. We have received our Articles of Incorporation and have filed our application to become a 501 (c) (3).  In the meantime, we are operating under the umbrella of the North Carolina Conference of the UMC and will remain connected as a partner ministry after we receive our own non-profit status.  We had hoped to launch our first cohort of students interested in being trained as Spiritual Directors in August of this year but have delayed a year due to Covid-19.  We have launched a series called “Sacred Living:  Inner Work for the Common Good” where we are offering a weekly Faith Connections group where we reflect on Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations, we’ve also launched Lectionary Musings for Clergy, a weekly opportunity for Clergy to reflect on the weekly lectionary text.  We’ve also launched four Racial Healing groups using the Racial Healing Handbook as a resource.  All of this work is currently being facilitated by a dedicated group of volunteers. We hope to find some underwriters and grantors to help us expand our offerings and to ensure that our Spiritual Director training program will be available for all who feel led to participate, regardless of their economic status.


In addition, I am forming an LLC where I’ll be offering Diversity and Inclusion, Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Formation and Church Operations Consulting services.  I think I’ll call it CCW Transformation Ministries. I’m building collaborations with Bryana Clover, of 1619 Consulting  to offer Diversity, Inclusion and Racial Equity services to include IDI (Intercultural Development Inventory) Assessments, Racial Equity Assessments and Racial Equity Workshops.  I am also partnering with Reggie Edwards to offer Ebony & Ivory Women’s Retreats, Meet Me at the Table gatherings and other offerings that foster healing relationships between people of faith with cultural differences. I’ll also offer Intercultural Coaching to help people and groups create and implement their Intercultural Development Plans.


As a Spiritual Director, I am seeing more clients both in person and using ZOOM technology and am making referrals for the Spiritual Directors Network of Eastern North Carolina. As opportunities re-emerge for folks to safely gather, I look forward to leading Spiritual Retreats and teaching on Spiritual Formation.  As a Church Operations Consultant, I offer Team Building, Communications Workshops and Coaching, Conflict Transformation, Stewardship/Generosity and Strategic Spiritual Journey services for churches and denominational entities.

So, yeah….that pretty much sums it up for now!  I’m sort of a free agent and loving it!  Let me know if you have any questions about any of these offerings or if I can serve you in any way.


Namaste y’all,




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