
Claire…ification – Getting Mrs. Betty Back in Her Home

In October of 2016 Hurricane Matthew passed through North Carolina affecting thousands of people. Almost a year later, there are still many people in Eastern North Carolina who are still unable to return to their homes due to flood damage. In many cases, these homes were not insured and FEMA funds were not sufficient. Some estimate that it may take 5 or more years to get some of these folks back in their homes. Many organizations show up to offer immediate help in these situations, but few stick around after a few weeks when there is still much work to be done. The task seems overwhelming but UMCOR and NC Disaster Response are committed for the long haul. That means us, y’all.

The Capital District has committed to helping one individual get back into her home. Her name is Mrs. Betty Hunt and she is a member of Branch Street UMC in Lumberton. Mrs. Betty has lived in her home for 47 years but has been unable to move back in after her home was flooded.

We’ve created a short video to introduce you to Mrs. Betty and for you to see her home and the work yet to be done.

Folks, we need to work together to get Mrs. Betty back into her home. We need to raise about $16,000 and we need to send in work teams to provide the necessary labor. Don’t worry; someone is on site to tell us what we need to do!

Here are ways for you to respond:

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  • Rally up your friends to create a work team, and volunteer to serve.Call 888.440.9167 or email and tell them you want to work on Mrs. Betty Hunt’s home.
  • Don’t have a work team in your local church? Indicate your interest to join others from nearby churches as we form sub-district work teams. Want to lead a sub-district work team? We’ll share information with you about others who have an interest in joining you. Click here to fill out an interest form.

Let’s work together to make a #capitalimpact

Peace Y’all,


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