
Claire…ificiation – Embracing Our Spiritual Gifts

Sometimes I hear common threads discussed through God’s people in more than one context and it makes me wonder what it is that God might be saying to me! The recent thread is related to a series of conversations that I participated in with others over the weekend related to our acceptance (or lack of) that we have of ourselves.  This includes all sorts of things; such as the labels we put upon ourselves and others and also the way that we feel about the spiritual gifts we have been given.

Many of us have taken Spiritual Gifts inventories over the years. Each one is slightly different and as we approach the scriptural text where spiritual gifts are mentioned, there are different lists, some more extensive than others.  This can sometimes feel a little confusing and we may find ourselves conflicted as we want to accept and embrace the gifts we’ve been given while sometimes wishing we had different gifts or comparing ourselves with others whose gifts differ from our own.

”There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.  There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.”  [1 Corinthians 12: 4-6]

All of us have at least one spiritual gift and all of them are equally valuable.  We are all called to use our gifts to serve others for the benefit of the body of Christ and we are reminded that ALL of our gifts are important and necessary to fulfill the work that is collectively available for us to do. If we do not use our gifts we are not moving towards spiritual maturity.  I have a notion that we might be given insight into additional gifts if we become good stewards of the first ones revealed to us, but I’m not sure I can back up that notion with scripture. (Theologians, I’d love to hear your feedback on this!)

We are at our best when we fully accept and embrace our gifts and attempt to use them as God calls us.  And we need to practice self-care so that we can be fit to present ourselves to God and others and to fully enjoy the Kingdom here and now. We are to love ourselves, as God loves each of us completely, including body, mind and soul. Being fit means taking    Sabbath, maintaining balance with our work by also spending adequate time with family and friends, practicing daily devotion to God, worshiping regularly, attending to regular doctor and dental checkups, eating healthy meals and exercising regularly.  Now I’ve really started meddling and if y’all see me hobbling around anytime soon it’s because I just squished the heck out of my own toes.

Let us embrace our gifts and our bodies!  And then let’s reflect on ways that we might become even more fit for the work that we are called to do.  Next let’s work on a plan and just do it!

Peace y’all,




Here’s a link to an excellent tool to explore your Spiritual Gifts:

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Claire – Embracing Our Spiritual Gifts – 09.18.2017

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