I recently received the gift of a new t-shirt from Open Table UMC in our district that says on the front “Love Your Neighbor, #noexceptions” and it reminded me of the following passage of scripture… “You’re done with that old life. It’s like a filthy set of ill-fitting clothes you’ve stripped off and put in […]
Month: August 2018
Claire…ification – Appreciating Forgotten Truths
Over recent years I have gained an appreciation for Celtic Christianity. Many of us can trace our roots to Celtic Christianity but our faith traditions have lost much of what our mothers and fathers in faith taught us. A couple of years ago the community gathered at the NC 5 Day Academy for Spiritual Formation […]
Claire….ification-Horse Sense for People
I’ve just recently read a book that was recommended by one of the faculty for our NC 5-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation this fall. The name of the book is Horse Sense for People: The Man Who Listens to Horses Talks to People by Monty Roberts. Monty is considered the world’s most famous horse gentler […]
Claire…ification – Remaining Open to God’s Call
One of the joys of my work is I often find myself in situations where I get to hear people share how God has called them into some particular type of ministry. In some instances, at a relatively young age, it becomes clear what God is calling someone to do. In other instances, the path […]