Dear friends,
God is doing a new thing in my life! For quite some time, it has become clear to me that God has been calling and equipping me to do something different. The details are not clear, but as I continue to pray, journal and talk with those who I trust to help me discern God’s call in my life, I am becoming excited about what the future holds. I covet your prayers during this time of discernment.
I am leaving this role in mid-December, but I am not leaving our connection. I hope to continue to cross paths with each of you, and I pray continued blessings on each of you, your families, your ministry and the churches you serve.
I give thanks to God for your friendship and your Christian witness. Each of you has enriched my life and I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given to share in ministry with you.
May God bless you and keep you.
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I know I speak for the entire Capital District, laity and clergy, in giving Claire deepest thanks for these years of service to us and to the Church. We are grateful for you, Claire, and always will be. Personally, I will miss our day-to-day partnership, but I look forward to seeing her and working with her around our connection. God bless you, Claire, and many thanks!
Claire’s official last day as ADS will be December 13, 2019. She has kindly agreed to use the next two weeks working with me and others in a transition.
In the coming weeks please use the help of The District Office which includes the leadership of Lou Jennings, Amy Outlaw, and Trudy Artis. Their office number is 919-779-9435. Lou has also volunteered her cell number for us all; it is 919-818-5153. Please call on them as you have been calling Claire and remember that I am available too, as always, at 919-812-5114.
Again, as in every time of transition, let us remember how grateful we can be for the ministry of people such as Claire and that God always calls us forward. In that spirit, let us give God thanks for Claire Cox-Woodlief.
Blessings to her and to you,
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Claire – A New Thing in My Life
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