Living a well-balanced life is easier said than done. Few could argue that our overall wellness plan should include caring for our mind, body, and soul. God wants each of us to be fully able to enjoy an abundant life, a holistic life that enables us to fully enjoy all that God has created for […]
Author: Claire Cox-Woodlief
Claire…ification – Living in the Comma
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate……. But wait! What about the comma! What’s missing here folks? What about the Gospels? What […]
Claire… ification – Relying On the Holy Spirit Does Not Lead to Moral Relativism
My Companions in Christ friends and I are in the midst of studying how we can be fed by the Word as we seek to have the mind of Christ. We’ve been reminded how the Bible came to be, and the relationship between the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and how we are to respond to […]
Claire…ification – Shortest article ever written
Hello friends, This may be the shortest Claire….ification that will EVER. BE. WRITTEN! Please read this week’s Hello from Harvey message. Then, visit our website to learn more about IMPACT and register to attend See you Sunday afternoon! Peace, Claire If you would like to print or share this edition of Claire…ification, you […]
Claire…ification – Don’t Underestimate the Power of Encouragement
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” [I Thessalonians 5:11] Last week our daughter made some very significant, life-changing decisions. She decided to leave Boone, the town where she loved living while she was in college. She graduated from Appalachian State University in December and since […]
Claire…ification-Living the Questions
Do people come to church looking for answers or to have a space to honestly air their questions and doubts? A growing number of people are leaving the church, and there might just be wisdom in creating space for people to honestly ask questions rather than simply providing trite answers. Here are a few questions […]
Claire…ificiation – We’ve Gotta Take the Muzzles Off of Our Clergy
I do a lot of hanging out with clergy and laity in all sorts of settings. And all of that hanging out is life-giving to me, I am blessed beyond measure to have the opportunity to interact on a daily basis with so many people who love the Lord and want to serve God. One […]
Claire…ification – Reflecting on Spiritual Giants
I’m blessed to be working my way through Companions in Christ curriculum with an amazing group of women. This week, one of our exercises has been to read the spiritual journeys of several well-known forebears in their faith journey and to reflect on what motivated their search for God and to consider turning points that […]
Claire…ification – Dreaming of the Ideal Church
I was recently joking around with a DS and the conversation led to my telling him that if there are an abundance of churches needing pastors, the Cabinet can appoint me to one with a spiritually hungry group of multi-cultural, justice-seeking people. And, please make sure it’s an appointment with a salary that is not […]
Claire… ificiation – A Tribute to Billy Graham
“America’s Pastor”, one of the most famous evangelists in our recent history, Billy Graham has returned to God’s womb. I can only imagine the joy that God and Rev. Graham’s wife Ruth and all the saints that have gone before Graham felt at the most recent heavenly feast. Many people are reminded of and reminiscing […]