Over recent years I have gained an appreciation for Celtic Christianity. Many of us can trace our roots to Celtic Christianity but our faith traditions have lost much of what our mothers and fathers in faith taught us. A couple of years ago the community gathered at the NC 5 Day Academy for Spiritual Formation […]
Category: Claire…ification
Claire….ification-Horse Sense for People
I’ve just recently read a book that was recommended by one of the faculty for our NC 5-Day Academy for Spiritual Formation this fall. The name of the book is Horse Sense for People: The Man Who Listens to Horses Talks to People by Monty Roberts. Monty is considered the world’s most famous horse gentler […]
Claire…ification – Remaining Open to God’s Call
One of the joys of my work is I often find myself in situations where I get to hear people share how God has called them into some particular type of ministry. In some instances, at a relatively young age, it becomes clear what God is calling someone to do. In other instances, the path […]
Claire…ification – Let’s just focus on what we CAN agree on
I’m tired of living in this season of such polarization. It seems that on almost any subject we can think of, there are extreme opposite opinions, and we don’t even want to talk to each other to understand the point of those who bring a perspective that differs from our own. Maybe we should try […]
Claire…ification – In Charge of Ruins
I love the way that C. S. Lewis offers us food for theological reflection in his fictional juvenile fantasy books. In the Chronicles of Narnia, we read about Cair Paravel, a fictional castle where the Kings and Queens of Narnia rule. “Cair Paravel” means “a lesser court” and a subversive prophecy among inhabitants of Narnia […]
Claire…ification – What’s your version of inclusiveness?
One of my friends posted the following on his facebook page recently “I am a hard-working, straight, white, middle-aged, loving, evangelical, bible honoring, constitutional conservative, christian; does your version of inclusiveness have room enough for me? If not, please reconsider what inclusiveness means to you.” This got me thinking and I can understand where this […]
Claire…ification – Reflecting
This week I’ll be reflecting on 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13 and 2 Corinthians 5:6-10. Here are a few highlights from my message at Whitley Memorial UMC this past Sunday… In 1 Samuel we read that the Lord sent Samuel to go select a King from among Jesse’s sons. When Samuel asked Jesse to bring in his […]
Claire…ification-Scripture as a Means of Grace and Guidance
For many of us, Bible study is an integral part of our lives. We may read selected scripture along with devotional materials on a regular basis as a spiritual discipline and if we are in a small group or class we may have assigned reading and questions to ponder. For my clergy and lay speaking […]
Claire…ification – A Balanced Life
Living a well-balanced life is easier said than done. Few could argue that our overall wellness plan should include caring for our mind, body, and soul. God wants each of us to be fully able to enjoy an abundant life, a holistic life that enables us to fully enjoy all that God has created for […]
Claire…ification – Living in the Comma
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate……. But wait! What about the comma! What’s missing here folks? What about the Gospels? What […]