
Claire….ification – Relationships are More Important then Politics

As is often the case, I share what I am learning.  I have a significant number of family members and friends who do not share my passionately held political and societal beliefs.  Our current divisive climate is terrible, and sometimes I’m not sure how we are going to move beyond it.  There is one thing that I DO know, relationships are more important than trying to convince others that we are right and they are wrong about any issue.

Our current state of affairs has people from all sorts of backgrounds, belief systems, and affiliations who are dividing ourselves into all sorts of categories that separate us from one another.  It’s bad enough when we divide ourselves from strangers with whom we are not in a relationship, it’s a different thing entirely when it comes to those who we know intimately and love.

This past weekend we received the blessing of having all three of our young adult children home for the weekend to celebrate my husband’s birthday.  We had what I would consider to be some wonderful, good quality family time together.  We also had time to talk about all sorts of issues that affect our country and world and we do not always agree with one another.

I consider it a gift that some of the people who I love and appreciate the most do not think the way that I do because since I know their character and heart it helps me to understand a perspective that differs from my own. And when I force myself to actively listen to the thoughts of others, I usually learn something.

Friends, it is possible for us to love one another and respect one another and be passionate in what we feel is right and to disagree on some of the small and significant issues that affect our community, state, country, and world. Let us remember that just because we do not agree, that does not necessarily mean that those who hold a different perspective are wrong.  It might simply mean that they hold a perspective that differs from ours. Few, if any of the currently divisive issues are simple enough for us to draw simplified black and white lines.  When we do so, we shut down conversation that can help us all learn and grow. It’s hard, and it’s easier said than done, but I invite you to join me in trying.

Peace y’all,


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