
Claire…ificiation – You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit

I recently read a book called You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit written by James K. A. Smith. The book suggests that we might not love what we think we do and who and what we worship fundamentally shapes our hearts. The book reminds us that while we may desire to shape culture, we are not often aware of how culture shapes us. We are reminded of the transformative possibilities of Christian practices. Advent is a great time for us to participate in Christian practices to help us consider what we love and how to love what we should.

This book is about spirituality for culture-makers, for people who have been excited by an expanded vision of what God has called them to in the world. For those of us who feel that we are called to be God’s image bearers in the world, to be agents of renewal, to be committed to justice, to be building institutions, to be creators and innovators, we are encouraged to step back and ask ourselves, “What sort of person do I need to be to do that well and to do that faithfully?”

We are called to be formed, equipped and shaped to be that kind of agent of renewal. It’s not enough to have all the right knowledge and beliefs in your head, it’s not enough to just be equipped with the worldview, because we are the kind of people who act out of our dispositions, our habits, our inclinations. We are called to be tuned and attentive to the formation of our habits, dispositions, and loves. We are invited to think intentionally about these things at a gut level because that’s what’s really going to repel our doing and acting. We are invited to experience the spiritual power of habit.

We are called to love what Jesus loves, and to fully immerse ourselves in every aspect of worship, and to consider our spending habits, and our eating and exercise habits, and to really think through all of our routines, because we are likely shaped by some of our routines more than we realize. We are invited to consider what and how we are teaching our children and youth. Ultimately we are called to consider what it means to be made in the image of God and how are we honoring that to be the hallowed people that we are called to be.

We all likely know some areas where we need to make changes and with an intentional effort, we can form new disciplines that will become habits that will transform us to be more Christ-like. Very intentional worship will carry over into all aspects of our lives, and we will be the image bearers and culture shapers that we are called to be.

I submit this book, audiobook and video series and discussion guide for your consideration for you or your small group. Advent is always a good time to reflect on our habits and what shapes us.



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Claire – You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit

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