
Claire…ification: The Value of Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance use disorders. This course is described as being like CPR for someone experiencing a Mental Health Crisis. Based on the statistics, it is highly probable that all of us have someone in our family, a circle of friends, church or workplace who has some type of mental health condition.  How we respond when we encounter someone who is in the midst of a mental health crisis can make a significant difference in whether or not they receive the care that they most need. 

As responsible Christians, it is incredibly helpful for us to become more aware and informed of the signs and symptoms of mental health and substance abuse disorders. And, it is important for us to fight against the stigma that sometimes accompanies these challenges.  In addition, it is incredibly important for us to know how to offer assistance to help people in trouble get the help that they need.

There is a class available to help equip us!  Mental Health First Aid is a national program to teach the skills to respond to the signs of mental illness and substance abuse.  We should do this to be prepared so we will know what to do when a mental health crisis happens so that people with mental illnesses do not have to suffer alone.  1 in 5 adults have a mental illness, so it is helpful for us to become equipped to show that we care for our friends, family members, colleagues and people in our churches and communities whom we encounter.

Clergy and other church leaders participated in a Mental Health First Aid Course this week in Goldsboro.  There are 3 additional training opportunities for clergy and laity coming up with limited space remaining in each class if you would like to become certified as a Mental Health First Aider.  Click here to see a list of the remaining courses offered and to register to attend.

Peace y’all,



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