In the coming days, delegates from all over the world who have been elected to represent various conferences in the United Methodist Church will meet to make decisions about what our Book of Discipline will include regarding issues that affect our LGBTQIA community. So let me stop right here and make it clear that anything […]
Category: Claire…ification
Claire…ification – Wisdom from the Book of James
Last week I had the opportunity to attend Session 3 (of 8) of the Two Year Academy for Spiritual Formation. “The Academy for Spiritual Formation creates transformative space to be in communion with God, self, others, and creation for the sake of the world.” It is intended for those who hunger for deep spiritual experience. […]
Claire…ification – When Tragedy Hits
Here’s a list of a few things NOT to say: ”God needed another angel” “God won’t give you more than you can handle” “Everything happens for a reason” “It could be worse”, followed by your “worse” story… “I know how you feel…” Several years ago I read a book written by Harold S. Kushner titled […]
Claire…ification-Jesus Calls Us
Have you ever had a hymn that just pops up and it’s stuck in your head? This week’s Lectionary Readings share a common theme of calling so I’ve been thinking about that and the hymn Jesus Calls Us came to mind. Often in our connection we talk about people experiencing a “Call” to ministry that […]
Claire…ification – Appreciating God’s Creation
We all like to marvel at the beauty of God’s creation. For many of us, when we sit by the ocean or atop a mountain, or in any other setting where we are surrounded by nature, we are reminded of the awesomeness of all that God brought into existence. In scripture we learn that God […]
Claire…ification-Is it Chicken ‘n Dumplings or Chicken Pastry? What exactly is “regular” slaw?
How many of you have very specific images that popped into your head when you read the questions above? Depending on where you grew up and the way your mama or grandma cooked, there may seem to be only one answer to each of these questions. If you’re not from around here, then you may […]
Claire…ification – Christians are Called to Incarnate Peace
During Advent we have had an opportunity to be reminded of the ways that God spoke to Mary (through an angel) to let her know that she would be the one to bear the Holy Child Jesus, the Son of God who came to show us how to live. We have reflected on Mary’s Song, […]
Claire…ification: Mary, the First Radical Disciple
Mary was not just randomly chosen to be the mother of Jesus. As we wait for the coming of Christ we are invited to welcome Mary into our hearts. Of all of the young women in the middle east at that time, or to challenge us even more broadly, of all the women in human […]
Claire…ification-Blessings Inside Prison Walls
Last night I had the privilege of celebrating Christmas and breaking bread with a group of women at NCCIW (North Carolina Correctional Institute for Women) with about 30 other volunteers. We fed around 280 inmates and the staff and guards who work with them. My friend Sandi Velez, who runs a prison ministry called Bridges […]
Claire…ificiation – You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit
I recently read a book called You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit written by James K. A. Smith. The book suggests that we might not love what we think we do and who and what we worship fundamentally shapes our hearts. The book reminds us that while we may desire to shape […]