As United Methodists, when we participate in the service of Holy Communion, we are responding to the following invitation: “Christ our Lord invites to his table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin and seek to live in peace with one another.” The United Methodist Church claims that we have “Open […]
Category: Claire…ification
Claire…ification – Did The Scribes Even Notice the Widow’s Offering?
This past Sunday in worship, our pastor offered a message on the Lectionary Gospel text for the day which was Mark 12:38-44. Most of us have all read this text many times, and have likely heard many sermons preached on it. Pastor Anne Ahl shared that earlier last week she felt prepared to preach […]
Claire….ification – Relationships are More Important then Politics
As is often the case, I share what I am learning. I have a significant number of family members and friends who do not share my passionately held political and societal beliefs. Our current divisive climate is terrible, and sometimes I’m not sure how we are going to move beyond it. There is one thing […]
Claire…ification – Viewing Scripture through the Lens of Jesus
As is often the case, I have heard and read things over the last week that are coming together in a common theme. God must have something to say to me and I’m feeling led to share in case it’s something that others can also benefit from hearing. The message began resonating upon hearing a […]
Claire…ification: Positive Vibes are Contagious!
One of the things that most of us have learned is that it’s a whole lot more productive to celebrate positive things that are taking place than to focus on what’s not happening to our liking. There are lots of reasons for this, but one reason is that most of us respond much better to […]
Claire…ification – Blessing Someone in their Chaos
Yesterday on the way to the grocery store I stopped to get gas. While at the gas pump I heard a woman frantically trying to get my attention. She was very upset and told me that she had just left her fiancé and she was able to use her debit card to get gas but […]
Claire…ification-We Can Accomplish so Much as UNITED Methodists!
Until Florence was on the horizon threatening to wreak havoc on North Carolina and beyond, I can’t think of many days that have gone by in recent months where I wasn’t engaged in at least one conversation around the Commission on the Way Forward and our upcoming General Conference and what all this means for […]
Claire…ification….Who do you say that I am?
Once when Jesus was praying alone, with only the disciples near him, he asked them, “Who do the crowds say that I am?” They answered, “John the Baptist; but others, Elijah; and still others, that one of the ancient prophets has arisen.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “The Messiah of […]
Claire…ificiation – Living an Ebb and Flow Life
I’ve just returned from a Celtic Pilgrimage where we visited a number of holy places where saints have been sent to and from in England and Scotland. Our guide was an Anglican Vicar and storyteller, and he shared tales about the saints with us as we traveled. In addition to serving parishes, he is also […]