In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus […]
Claire…ification-An Apology to My Friends of Color
Friends with melanin that differs from mine, I owe you an apology. I encountered a blatant in-my-face racist yesterday and I became speechless. I was so flabbergasted at the boldness and ignorance of this random stranger that I simply couldn’t find the words to say. Let me tell you a little bit about my day…. […]
Claire… ification – New Beginnings
‘Tis the season for goal setting and New Year resolutions. Many of us are likely including renewed commitments to eat healthier, exercise more, and perhaps maintain better balance in our lives. We might be committing to better stewardship of our financial resources. As unoriginal as it may seem, with Epiphany drawing near, I don’t think […]
Claire… ification – Unwrapping the God-box this Holiday Season
Henri Nouwen is one of my favorite Christian authors. I was first introduced to Nouwen’s work a number of years ago when my Sunday School class studied “The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming” which offered a helpful reflection on the meaning of this familiar parable. Our class had lively discussion as […]
Claire…ification The Wisdom of Pelagius
The Wisdom of Pelagius Celtic Christian Palagius was a prominent theologian in the early fourth century and some of his teachings have been controversial and significantly misrepresented over the centuries. One of Palagius’ letters that has received criticism follows: “There are some who call themselves Christian, and who attend worship regularly, yet perform no Christian actions […]
Claire…ification – How Are We to Respond When Others Sin Against Us?
Early Sunday morning (around 4:30 am) one of the pastors of our church arrived on our campus to continue his preparation to preach. When he pulled into the parking lot he noticed 3 teenage boys fleeing the church property, one with a crowbar in his hand. He quickly realized that he had interrupted a spree […]
Claire…ification-Giving as a Spiritual Practice
‘Tis the season! Many churches are in the midst of providing opportunities for us to make a commitment to God through the church as we estimate our giving for the coming year. For some, this is a time to reflect on all of the gifts that we have received from God and to prayerfully discern […]
Claire…ification-Searching for a Way to Be Faithful
I recently read an excerpt from a book called “The Art of Theological Reflection” by Patricia O’Connell Killen and John de Beer. I thought I’d share some quotes from the book and some of my notes with you because it got me thinking and you might find it worthy of reflection too. “What path should […]
Claire…ification – It is NEVER too Late to Learn and Grow
A few weeks ago in a gathering with clergy, Bishop Ward reminded us that as we engage with others, we might consider opening with “I could be wrong, but here’s what I think…..” We must always remain open to the possibility that we don’t know everything and as we listen to the perspectives of others, […]
Claire…ification – Showing Appreciation for Our Pastors
We expect an incredible amount from our pastors and each of them brings their own unique gifts to ministry. They are called to preach, administer the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, they are called to provide pastoral care and to counsel us, and they are called to order the life of the church. […]